Bowmaster Winter Storm Beta Update

New Ice Arrow enhancements! The Ice Arrow is more powerful than ever. Slow down your foes as you chill them to the bone. Freeze enemies with repeated ice attacks and then pummel them with blunt attacks for extra damage. Freeze dragons and watch them fall to the ground and then take steady aim as they are powerless to evade. Watch the earth erupt with spikes of razor sharp ice crystals should your arrow land upon the ground. Play Bowmaster Winter Storm Continue reading

Bowmaster Winter Storm Beta Update

New Upgrades! Now featuring elemental blast-wave spells! These are similar to the wave spells in Bowmaster Prelude except they now behave differently when in-air or on-ground. For example, when the Earth-Wave arrow hits the ground the earth cracks open and spires of rock burst up, damaging any enemies standing in the area, but when the Earth-Wave arrow is detonated above ground a rift of Earth energy is summoned that explodes into several boulders that damage all enemies in their path. Check out the new wave spells! Play Bowmaster Winter Storm Continue reading

Box2D Flash on Mobile Android

I recently started using an Android 2.2 OS phone which has Flash 10. I’ve been toying with developing simple demos to test out the Flash capabilities of the phone. Then I decided to test out a simple Box2D demo I made as a modification of the demo by plasticsturgeon. Box2DFlash is an open source Physics Engine. Check it out. I look forward to working with it more in the future.

Check it out with your Android 2.2 phone. Continue reading