Bowmaster Winter Storm Status Update

I still working on balancing units but I’ve finished implementing the unit rank system for all of the current units in the game. The rank system (unit level system) allows me to set unit stats and abilities based on a single rank number. So for example I have a function that sets all sorts of stats and AI code based on the rank number for that unit. This makes it easier for me because I can call a single function (e.g. trebuchet.setRank(4)) and all the stats that are relevant for that unit are updated (e.g. hit points, movement speed). The unit AI code also may use this rank number to determine how the unit will think. A low level dragon may fly low and not move around as much as a higher level dragon. A high level shield grunt will block more often than a lower one. A ninja may use more advanced melee attacks at higher ranks.

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Bowmaster Winter Storm Beta Status Update

I’ve decided to focus on preparing the current build of Winter Storm for beta release. I still have quite a few homework assignments to complete before the beta is ready to play but stay tuned for updates. I will continue to support the current alpha release with critical bug fixes, but I’ve officially created a branch in development. The next major content revision will be Winter Storm Beta (version

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