Hello, My name is Jason and I am a Projectile

Hey people. I hope everyone’s new year is going well and that you all got everything you wanted (or deserved >:| ) this holiday season. I’ve mostly been enjoying some time off by visiting with family, playing video games, and snowboarding but I did manage to put some time into game development. I took a little bit of a break from Winter Storm to work on a few updates to Bowmaster Prelude. Yeah, I still go back and tweak my old games from time to time. The latest update to prelude features some much needed user interface changes for sound controls along with a new in-game stats display which shows such things as your accuracy and greatest damage dealt for the current round. I also replaced the intro narration with my friend Kris Kowal’s voice as well as bumped up the quality of all the sounds. Go check it out if you haven’t yet.

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