Hello, My Name is Jason Reinsvold

Hello, my name is Jason Reinsvold and I make games. I’m currently (still) working on a space game which I’m calling “SpaceCraft… something something”. I’ve been in the process of converting my pre alpha prototypefrom Flash to Unity. I recently tested my new Unity build on my iPad and my Android Phone and both are running smoothly. Stay tuned for more info to come. Sorry I have not posted more updates recently. I will rectify this. Continue reading

How it’s made (and why so long).

I was responding to the following comment in this blog post when I realized my response was becoming quite long and maybe deserves its own post. And I’m not trying to pick on Howse or feel in anyway provoked. This post just shares some thoughts I’ve been thinking that Howse reminded about that I haven’t really stated before. So here are some thoughts and some information about me and what I’m all about 🙂 Continue reading